Human Resources Conferences UK produce CPD masterclasses suitable for anyone involved in HR and management.  These conferences and masterclasses provide essential updates around HR and Employment Law to help you ensure your HR practice remains efficient, up to date and compliant. 

Latest News

Workplace Discrimination in the UK: How Widespread Is It?
Friday 21 Mar 2025
Discrimination in the workplace continues to affect countless people across the UK. But just how common is it today?
Planning Your Office Christmas Party? Don’t Overlook New Sexual Harassment Obligations
Tuesday 3 Dec 2024
This is the first office Christmas party since the recent introduction of a legal duty requiring employers to actively prevent sexual harassment -  so what steps should employers take to ensure employees are protected?
New EHRC guidance on Menopause in the Workplace
Monday 22 Apr 2024
The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has released new guidance on menopause in the workplace.

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