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A Joint British Association of Day Surgery & HCUK Virtual Conference
A wide range of breast procedures, including many oncoplastic surgeries, can be delivered as a day case with good clinical outcomes and excellent patient experience. Despite these benefits, significant variation in day surgery performance persists nationally, usually, because of misperceptions that such practice is unsafe or requires complicated service reconfiguration.
The number of patients waiting for elective surgery now is at record levels, the highest in the history of the NHS. Day-case management is a safe, efficient pathway for delivering breast cancer surgery and is liked by cancer patients and their families. Maximising day case rates is therefore a key component of the government’s Elective Recovery Plan and will release valuable inpatient resources.
The aim of this one-day virtual conference, produced by the British Association of Day Surgery, is to provide an opportunity to share learning about successful day-case breast surgery and showcase what can be achieved, including key aspects of the day surgery pathway, current guidance and using data in its successful delivery.
100% of delegates at the last conference on this subject would recommend the conference to a colleague.
Join us to learn how this is achievable for our patients.
This conference will enable you to:
Network with colleagues who are working to improve delivery of day-case breast surgery
Learn from outstanding practice in day case breast surgery
Identify key strategies for implementation of day case breast surgery
Ensure you are up to date with the latest national practice and recommendations
Self-assess and reflect on your own practice
Support your CPD professional development and provide revalidation evidence. This course provides 5 Hrs training for CPD subject to peer group approval for revalidation purposes
About the British Association of Day Surgery (BADS)
The British Association of Day Surgery (BADS) is a multi-disciplinary organisation constituted of surgeons, anaesthetists, nurses and allied healthcare professionals, including operating department practitioners, anaesthetic practitioners, perioperative assistants, physiotherapists and hospital managers.
It is committed to promoting excellence in day surgery via its educational activities, publications and collaborations with other organisations including Getting it Right First Time and The Centre for Perioperative Care.
Membership benefits include free access to our online handbooks, advice sheets, day surgery directories and previous annual conference presentations. Members also receive discounted fees for the BADS Annual Conference and HCUK/BADS virtual conferences and are eligible to apply for the BADS Educational Grant and complimentary membership of the International Association of Ambulatory Surgery. They may also submit unlimited publications to the Journal of One Day Surgery without incurring article processing fees
Further information is available from the BADS website
Twitter: @britdaysurgery