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A Practical Guide to Effective Non-Medical Prescribing in Care of the Older Adult in Primary and Community Care

Tue, 29 Apr 2025

Virtual, Online

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This important national conference provides an essential update on nurse/non medical prescribing for older adults in primary and community care. Through national updates and extended interactive practical case studies delegates will hear how to develop and maintain prescribing competence, and how to develop effectiveness in post qualification practice. The conference will discuss the role of the updated Prescribing Competency Framework in supporting non medical prescribing in older adults. The conference will include case studies on managing pain in the older person, improving medicines optimisation, prescribing in falls prevention, frail older people, and delirium, and developing the role of the NMP in primary care, community care and care homes. The conference will include an extended focus on ensuring patient safety and the Nurse Prescribers role with regard to medication management, polypharmacy and de-prescribing.

“Rates of medication error are higher in older adults, in care home settings, primary and secondary care and during transfer of care, contributing to high rates of hospital admission among people over 75, especially those with frailty… patient safety is paramount when addressing older adults prescribing”

Getting it Right First Time Geriatric Medicine

“Pharmacists play an increasing role in medicines management and optimisation for older people in hospital, including medicines reconciliation on admission, medicines optimisation and deprescribing, assessment of patients who need support with medicines administration or timely management of medicines on discharge from hospital. In some trusts, there are consultant pharmacists who lead pharmacy services for care of older people and work in multidisciplinary teams to manage problematic polypharmacy. In the community pharmacists are a vital resource to support community multidisciplinary teams and care homes. We believe that pharmacists should be supported to develop and extend these roles with appropriate training. This can help to free up geriatrician time and also support the safe practice of those who administer medicines.”

Getting it Right First Time Geriatric Medicine

“Poor prescribing practice and a lack of information sharing about medicines means that older people are being let down too often by both their clinicians and the healthcare system that is supposed to look after them.”

More harm than good Why more isn’t always better with older people’s medicines, Age UK

This conference will enable you to:

  • Network with colleagues who are working to improving non medical prescribing for older adults in primary and community care

  • Learn from outstanding practice in ensuring patient safety in older adult prescribing

  • Reflect on pain management in the older adult and some of its many facets through case presentation

  • Improve medicines optimisation

  • Understanding how to reduce inappropriate or problematic polypharmacy

  • Learn how to use the National Prescribing Competency Framework (as required by the NMC)

  • Understand how to effectively develop, demonstrate and maintain continued competence in Prescribing for Older Adults

  • Explore best practice in frailty, Polypharmacy & Prescribing

  • Extended workshop streams for Primary Care focused on clinical areas

  • Reflect on lessons from experts in non medical prescribing for specific case study areas with in depth interactive sessions focusing on CVD and diabetes, managing long term conditions, pain in the older person, medication management for falls prevention, prescribing to avoid delirium and the role of the NMP in care homes

  • Working with patients with co-morbidity

  • Develop your role and confidence as a non medical prescriber

  • Self assess, reflect and expand your skills in prescribing practice whilst understanding your limits of practice

  • Supports CPD professional development and acts as revalidation evidence. This course provides 5 Hrs training for CPD subject to peer group approval for revalidation purposes

Speakers include:

Ms Aleksandra Howell

NIHR Doctoral Clinical Academic Research Fellow
Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Mrs Heather Smith

Consultant Pharmacist: Older People
NHS West Yorkshire ICB

Dr Qun Wang

Trust Lead for Non-Medical Prescribing/Nurse Consultant Geriatrics
Trust Wide
Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust

Dr Louis Koizia

Consultant Geriatrician
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust

Fee Options

Virtual NHS, Schools, Care and Public Sector



Virtual Voluntary sector & charities



Virtual Commercial organisations



(Prices in brackets include VAT)


Additional delegate discount:

A discount of 15% will be applied to fees for any extra delegates.

Online discount:

A discount of 10% will be applied if you pay using the website.

Also of Interest

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