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This conference will enable you to realise the full potential of virtual clinics and wards through innovative strategies, technologies and practical case examples. The conference will discuss virtual clinics and how the use of digital consultations, triage and patient management and follow up can transform your service whilst ensuring patient safety, and the role of virtual wards in managing patients in their own homes. The conference will discuss the use of AI and the integration of patient monitoring devices to improve patient care and also discuss difficult issues such as information governance, group consultations, safeguarding, data and security.
The ongoing adoption of virtual clinics and wards is critical to meet growing demands for healthcare whilst freeing up hospital resources and reducing waiting times.
“Virtual wards, also known as Hospital at Home, are a safe and efficient alternative to bedded care. Using technology and face-to-face care, they offer patients who would otherwise be in hospital the choice of receiving the treatment they need in their own home, either preventing them from being admitted to hospital or allowing them to be discharged from hospital sooner…There is growing evidence that when all core components of these services are delivered at scale for appropriate patients, they provide a better patient experience; more than 99% of patients on virtual wards in one study said they would recommend them.”
Getting it right first time (GIRFT) 2024
“Virtual wards provide personalised care and choice for patients, by combining face-to-face provision and technology to allow hospital-level care. They can provide an alternative to admission or facilitate earlier discharge from hospital and have been identified as a key ambition in the ‘Delivery plan for recovering urgent and emergency care services’ published by NHS England”
NHS England Making the most of virtual wards, including Hospital at Home September 2024
“Virtual wards, which include Hospital at Home, are a safe and efficient alternative to NHS bedded care. Virtual wards support patients, who would otherwise be in hospital, to receive the acute care and treatment they need in their own home.”
NHS England Making the most of virtual wards, including Hospital at Home September 2024
This conference will enable you to:
Network with colleagues who are working to deliver virtual clinics and virtual wards
Learn from outstanding practice in setting up and running virtual clinics and wards
Reflect on national developments and learning from case studies in various clinical areas
Understand how AI can be used to support virtual clinics and wards
Develop your competence and skills in delivering virtual consultations
Improve the way you use and implement the Virtual Wards Operational Framework (Sept 24 update)
Ensure patient safety and effective timely responses to deterioration
Reflect on your role in safeguarding within the virtual environment
Understand how you can improve governance, remote monitoring technology enablement and the management of patients
Identify key strategies for ensuring best practice in consent, and understanding legal and information governance requirements
Explore the role of virtual group clinics
Self assess and reflect on your own practice
Supports CPD professional development and acts as revalidation evidence. This course provides 5 Hrs training for CPD subject to peer group approval for revalidation purposes